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Do you suffer from Postherpetic Neuralgia after having Shingles?

If you’ve ever experienced shingles, you know of the burning pain that is associated with the rash. In most cases, pain persists until the rash has cleared up. About 20% of all people who get shingles will experience postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). At Advanced Pain Management Center, Dr. Fiks utilizes a multi-modal approach to treating the pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia, because he knows that the best way to combat this condition is to use treatments that work together to alleviate pain.

How does one get Postherpetic neuralgia?

Although it is still unclear as to why some people will experience lingering effects after having the shingles, it is most likely caused by irritation or damage to nerve fibers which results in changes to its form and function.

If you have recently been diagnosed with the shingles and you are still feeling pain after the rash has cleared up, you might be dealing with postherpetic neuralgia and you should contact your physician.

If you have any of the following symptoms seek treatment:


Treatment Options

If you are suffering from postherpetic neuralgia, please do not hesitate to contact Advanced Pain Management Center and set up a consultation. To learn more, book an appointment with Advanced Pain Management Center today.

Vladimir Fiks, MD Medical Director Advanced Pain Management Center and Cedar Hills Surgery Center

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