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I Was Hurt in a Car Accident: What Should I Do?

I Was Hurt in a Car Accident: What Should I Do?

A car accident only takes a split second, but it can cause injuries that last a lifetime — even if they don’t seem severe at the time. The good news is expert medical care can get you on the road to recovery faster and with better long-term outcomes.

If you’ve been in a car accident, getting medical help is often the best move, no matter if you believe you’ve been hurt. In this blog, Vladimir Fiks, MD, of Advanced Pain Management Center in Portland, Oregon, explains why seeing a doctor is crucial after a car accident.

Why you should see a doctor after a car accident

Car accidents are incredibly common. In fact, more than 6.1 million occur in the United States each year. While they can range from minor to severe, even a fender bender can injure the body.

People often assume it’s unnecessary to see a doctor after a car accident unless there’s an obvious sign of a problem, such as a broken bone. However, some of the most common injuries from these events occur to the soft tissues, head, or spine. Unlike a broken bone, which usually has symptoms immediately, these injuries can take days or weeks to appear and cause persistent problems without treatment.

To play it safe, Dr. Fiks recommends scheduling an appointment with a medical expert if you get in a car accident, especially if the vehicle sustains any damage during the incident. You should also see a doctor as soon as possible if you experience pain or other symptoms of an injury.

Signs of a car accident injury

Estimates show that approximately three million whiplash cases get reported each year, most often from car accidents. This injury, which occurs when the head snaps violently forward and back, can damage muscles, ligaments, bones, nerves, and discs in the neck and spine.

Common signs of whiplash include:

You should seek emergency care for severe pain, changes in bowel or bladder function, balance issues, or weakness in the limbs.

Diagnosing and treating car accident injuries

In some cases, Dr. Fiks can reach a diagnosis by discussing your symptoms and performing a comprehensive exam. However, he might also order an X-ray or MRI to look for structural issues, such as cartilage damage or compressed nerves.

Once Dr. Fiks identifies your injury, he creates a personalized treatment strategy to help. Methods for treating car accident injuries often include:

The sooner Dr. Fiks can start treating your injury, the less likely it will become a chronic condition.

Were you involved in a car accident? To get evaluated, call 971-233-4199 or book an appointment online with Advanced Pain Management Center today.

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