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Incorporating Physical Therapy with Injections

Incorporating physical therapy with injections

After sustaining an injury, it is common to be referred to physical therapy to assist you in regaining proper mobility and to reduce your pain. Depending on the severity of the injury, physical therapy can yield beneficial results in a short time. In some cases, you may notice your progress is being hindered because the required motions are too painful for you to perform. Often your doctor may perform an injection right before your physical therapy session to make physical therapy more tolerable. In general, a more comprehensive approach which addresses different aspects of a condition will be more effective than one treatment alone.

Another great example of when physical therapy and injections can be of great benefit is for the treatment of a condition known as adhesive capsulitis more commonly referred to as ‘frozen shoulder’. This is characterized by pain and stiffness in your shoulder joint. This often happens after surgery and trauma due to the immobility that often follows an injury. Range-of-motion exercises combined with corticosteroids and numbing medications help optimize the results of physical therapy.

Combining physical therapy with platelet rich plasma (PRP)/stem-cell injections is another great way of shortening the time it takes to recover from an injury. PRP and stem-cell injections use your body’s own cells to regenerate damaged tissue. Adding physical therapy to the affected area will stimulate the body’s natural healing process and has the potential of significantly improving pain and functionality.

Here at Advanced Pain Management Center, we make it extremely convenient for you by offering access to physical rehabilitation and injection therapies all under one roof.

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