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The Remarkable Healing Power of MLS Laser Therapy

For many people, the idea of a laser summons the idea of something suited for outer space. However, lasers are providing breakthroughs in the field of medicine.

The word “laser” stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” Fortunately, you can think of lasers in far more general terms when it comes to medicine. Basically, laser therapy uses powerful beams of light to heal.

There are several kinds of lasers, each with unique characteristics that provide different outcomes. At Advanced Pain Management Center in Portland, Oregon, our team relies on Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Laser Therapy®. If you have chronic pain, here’s how this laser system could help you.  

What sets MLS Laser Therapy apart

We use the MLS laser system to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, trigger soft tissue repair, and support wound healing. This FDA-cleared laser is a fully robotic system that provides deeper tissue penetration without any known risks or side effects.

Unlike other therapeutic devices, the MLS laser works by using light to trigger a specific biological reaction on a cellular level, similar to how plants get energy from the sun through photosynthesis. This process causes your cells to begin healing from the inside out by:

As a result, MLS Laser Therapy can restore healthy cell function and help you live a pain-free life. Plus, treatments are painless, don’t require medications or surgery, and have no known side effects.

How MLS Laser Therapy works

During your appointment, you’ll sit or lie back comfortably while we position the laser approximately 8 inches above the treatment site. This is the optimal distance for the biochemical process to take place. 

Most treatments usually take 10-15 minutes, and you’ll feel little — if any — sensation. In fact, the process is so relaxing that many people even fall asleep. For the best results, we usually recommend a series of 7-10 treatments, often occurring 2-3 times each week. However, some chronic conditions, such as severe arthritis, can benefit from ongoing care to manage pain.

Even though we recommend multiple MLS Laser Therapy sessions, you can usually expect to experience significant improvements — especially with pain reduction — in 1-3 treatments.

When to consider MLS Laser Therapy

This powerful yet gentle treatment can relieve a wide range of painful conditions, including:

Plus, MLS Laser Therapy can provide relief without the need for painful injections. And, it comes with an 85-90% efficacy rate in relieving pain and inflammation, which can eliminate the need for surgery or prescription painkillers.

To learn more about MLS Laser Therapy and how it may be able to help relieve your pain and restore your life, book an appointment over the phone with Advanced Pain Management Center today.

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