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Who takes care of the caregiver

Who takes care of the caregiver?

In today’s world, learning to juggle work, family social activities and taking care of ourselves has become a crucial skill for everyone.  This may be especially true for those of us who interact with others who are in chronic pain or are ourselves in chronic pain.  Chronic pain disrupts the delicate balance of daily life and can quickly take control.  Chronic pain creates many clear day-to-day challenges for the person experiencing chronic pain as well as their caregivers and loved ones.

If you are supporting a loved one with chronic pain, you may face certain challenges on a daily basis.  It is important to understand that chronic pain can at times be both a physical and emotional burden.

As a caregiver you may find yourself adjusting to new and different household and childcare tasks.  It is important that caregivers develop support circles and resources to assist with these adjustments, many of which may be long term.

Here are a few tips that may help you navigate:

 Lastly, expressing love is free and helpful to all involved.

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